So thank you to my observant Aunt that noticed James has a bright red ear in his photos in my last post. It is because of our good friend the mosquito. Apparently James has the same reaction to their bites as I do, meaning they get super red, raised the size of quarters and itch! I think that is part of the reason why he didn't want to wear clothes all weekend is because he had about 4 bites and they all itched.
I also wanted to show all of you exactly what my house looks like after the twinados are done playing at the end of the day. Since we don't have a ton of room for storage of toys we do toy rotation. Some toys rotate in and out of the toybox so that we don't have so many out all at one time and I have to keep on top of moving things they don't play with to the storage area in tha garage or they would take over our house!
In the morning the toys that don't live in the toybox are all neatly organized on one side of the living room.
Notice how he looks like he is thinking about getting into trouble.

By the time they are ready for their morning nap they have only had about an hour and a half of playtime to mess things up so they aren't quite so bad yet. Notice that even though a lot of things haven't moved, they are now open or taken apart and there are little pieces everywhere. Thank you Grandpa and Sheryl for the gears, they feel great when big people step on them. Thank you Great Grandma Sally, Amy and Grandpa and Sheryl for the blocks......they also hurt when big people step on them and thank you to the Bauer family for the little people farm......there is nothing like trying to get to the kitchen in the morning and stepping on a little people farmer and his horse to make you say "OW" They love all those little things and they get strewn everywhere.

By the end of the day, the boys are tired and the mess has spread. James was so tired by the end of the afternoon that he just laid down in the middle of it all to take a 10 minute nap while his brother happily banged the floor with a plastic phone. I have no idea how he slept hanging onto a boat and listening to his brother bang.

But the worst is when we get out the tunnel to play with. They boys like it, but it takes up a ton of room when opened and just becomes another place for toys to get shoved into. Jack sometimes has trouble crawling through it because there are already toys in it or he is bringing more with him.

But I guess as long as they like playing together with their toys more than watching tv, I'm okay with the messes they make for now. I'm sure it will just get worse the bigger they get.