Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Brotherly Love

For the most part, the boys enjoy spending time together. They like to play together and they get irritated or upset if they are separated from their brother for a long period of time. 2 weekends ago Jack spent the morning with Daddy at Cabela's and James spent the morning with me at set-up for the fair. They did fine, but when we got home they wanted to be together and gave each other hugs and kisses.

Then there are the times when they just want to fight. They fight over toys. They fight for our attention and time. They fight over their loveys, food and cups. Lately the fights have revolved around shoes and socks. They are obsessed with shoes suddenly! So when Jack was trying to put his socks back on the other day, I caught this....

1 comment:

Jo said...

Lol... way to go, James... trying to distract the left then grab for the right. Too bad Jack is too clever to fall for it! <3 my boys!!