So after our air conditioning stopped working a week ago (since we've had the central air all of a year) it was a little irritating. When it was fixed on Tuesday we found out that we needed a dehumidifier for the crawl space to help keep the moisture down. This meant a Saturday morning trip to Lowe's as a family. We thought we were doing pretty good. It was supposed to be hot so we were up early and out the door before 8am. Our plan was to eat at the Big Boy by Lowe's and then do our shopping, except it didn't work that way. We pulled into the Big Boy parking lot looking forward to the breakfast buffet with the boys only to discover they are closed for re-modeling. This was slightly irritating since there are no other kid friendly places close to there. So we schlepped ourselves to the complete opposite side of town to eat at
Coney Island. The very
Coney Island we ate at just a mere 5 hours before I went into labor and ended up with the same waitress! The boys had a lovely breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausage and toast. Their toast and our toast to be exact. I don't know why I ever thought I would actually be able to eat all of my own breakfast when I knew the boys would want my toast. It makes me wonder why we don't just order extra, but this happens every time.
Once our breakfast excursion was over, we went back to the other side of town (where we started to be exact) to go to Lowe's. The boys loved this. They got to ride in the carts and were excited to wave to anyone and everyone in the store and babble away at each other. They don't like it when they can't see each other though and since they were each riding in their own cart they were quite loud yelling to each other to make sure their brother was still close by. After loading the dehumidifier into Jack's cart he was happy to bang on the box. We kept walking around the store and they were excited to touch carpet and stone samples. We even got to see the Lowe's
racecar in the parking lot as we were leaving since it was race weekend at
After getting home, taking a quick walk, eating lunch and napping, it was time for the boys favorite activity.....building with blocks.

Or should I say taking apart whatever Daddy and Mommy build and then throwing the blocks. Or hitting each other with the blocks. Or fighting over that one certain yellow block even though there are 10 others that look exactly the same.

They had a good time though and enjoyed spending time with Daddy.

After tiring of the blocks they decided that it would be great fun to climb on top of the tub that holds the blocks.

After fighting with them to stay off of it, we gave in and let them sit on it with Daddy's help so that Mommy could take a picture or two.

For whatever reason climbing has become their new favorite activity.....but I'll post more about that later. For now, back to work!