We are very lucky that we have 2 good eaters. Both of the boys will eat most anything. They especially like
vegetables. Jack loves green beans. If you give him beans he'll eat those before he eats anything else in front of him. James also likes green beans, but his current favorite seems to be tomatoes. He loves them cut up and I can't wait until he is a little bigger so I can just give him whole cherry tomatoes. They like fruit, this weekend they couldn't get enough of the strawberries at Morgan's birthday party. So far they only thing they won't eat are hot peppers. They both tried them and Jack actually ate a couple bites before he realized that he didn't like it.
For lunches on the weekend we have been doing
lunchables on the days where we are busy. They seem to be the prefect size for them to share as long as we give them a few other things to go with them. I like that the meat and cheese are cut up small enough that I don't have to make them any smaller for them to eat, making it super easy for me. The boys love crackers so they are always happy to have a couple of those. When we have fresh fruit around it's easy to give them some melon or grapes with the
lunchable, topped off by a few of their favorite
cookies. I will readily admit that we do not routinely buy organic food for the boys, but these cookies are fabulous. They taste like regular
graham crackers, but make much less mess so it's a win for the boys and for
Their current obsession on the food front seems to be goldfish crackers. All summer long that seems to be what they have gotten for snack and as you'll see in the pictures below, they have a pile of
goldfishies with their
I had to get a few pictures though since they were sitting so nicely in their seats and were being so well behaved while they were eating. Our next step is to get the table cleaned off so that we can convert the seats into the boosters and mommy can stop washing 2 trays 3 times a day.

PS- Jack thought he was the boss of his brother this day, hence the pointing while giving him directions on how to eat his lunch. To me it sounded like a bunch of
gobbledy gook, but James seemed to understand.