Both of the boys seem to have an obsession with my dad. I'm not sure what it is, but it is there. They love to spend time with their other grandparents. They enjoy Matt's Dad and Sheryl, especially since David will do all sorts of silly stuff with them. They both like to cuddle with Sally and spend time playing with my mom, but they are OBSESSED with my dad. When my dad walks into the room they want him to pick them up right away.....and they get mad if he doesn't. If he is holding one of them but not the other, they get mad. If my dad is around they want nothing to do with me, Matt or anyone else. They want to play with him and they suck him into whatever they are doing. A few weeks ago my dad was at our house and told the boys he had to leave and then proceeded to stay another 45 minutes because they wouldn't let him leave. In the picture below you can see how irritated Jack is that someone is even attempting to touch him while he is with Grandpa.

Jack especially seems to be even more into Grandpa than his brother is. Maybe it is becasue they look so much alike. Since Jack almost always seems to be attached to him, I don't often get pictures like this of my dad hanging out with James, but James has his own obsession with Grandpa, especially when they are both decked out in IH gear or Grandpa is letting him suck on the top of his water bottle.

Maybe they'll even get Grandpa into the pool with them someday....
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