So here are the much anticipated Halloween pictures. The boys were dressed up as cowboys/
texas rangers with their little badges. Costumes were easy, jeans, plaid shirt, cowboy boots, a hat and a badge. I figured this would be much easier than trying to keep them in any sort of "real" costume. The boots have been the biggest hit, James even wanted to wear them on Saturday afternoon while we were in the process of getting ready. I'm sure these pictures of him in a
onesie and boots will be great to show his own kids someday.

They did finally start to get into Halloween once we were almost done. By the time we got to Shirley's near the end of the night, they realized that everywhere we went, people gave them stuff to eat and they really liked that.

By the time we got to the farm they had already gotten Nutter Butters, Rice
Krispie Treats, Fruit Loops and Animal crackers,
cherrios, and lots of assorted candy. They got some yogurt bites and more animal crackers from Grandma and Grandpa, but were mostly interested in playing with the toys at their house, especially their pedal tractors.

And Aunt Julie, this last pic is just for you.....James showing off his signature gap for you :)
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