Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back to a "Normal" Exsistence

So we are finally back to a more normal schedule with the boys. Matt went back to the midnight shift as of Monday. This is so much better for us than when he is on afternoons. When he is working afternoons he doesn't get to spend as much time with the boys and I don't really get to spend much time with him either. When he is on afternoons I had to do baths and bedtime by myself and even though I did it, it wasn't easy. When he is on midnights our schedule is much better. Matt comes home in the morning and sleeps all day before picking up the boys. Once he picks them up they have some time to play before I get home. Then we can have dinner together and put the boys to bed together. This will be much better for them since they miss their Daddy when they don't see him through the week as much.

The only rough part for me is doing the morning routine by myself. I try to get up before the boys wake up so that I am totally ready for the day before I go in their room. Once I am ready I go into their room to get them. This morning I was greeted with Jack sitting right up and saying MAMA! which was a nice way to start the morning. I give each of them a kiss and hug while they are still in their cribs and then I get their clothes out for the day and everything I need for diaper changes. I got Jack ready first this morning. While he was on the changing table he was pretty mad, but James came to the rescue with a stuffed turtle for Jack to hold while I was changing him. Once he was all ready I set him in James' crib to play. I do this since it is closer to the changing table and he can still talk to me and see my face at the same time. Once they are both ready I picked them up and carried them downstairs together. We are working on them learning how to go down the stairs by themselves since this will make it easier for me (and my back) in the mornings. Right now James is scared of doing it though so I still carry them. Once we are downstairs I slip on my shoes (always have slip on shoes) without setting them down. If I set them down it makes it that much harder to get out the door on time. I grab my keys and open the door (still holding 2 20+ pound toddlers). Once we're outside I thank whoever thought up the idea of a button on your keys to open your van doors because it saves me when I am getting them in by myself. I set one baby on the floor of the van while I strap the other one into his seat. Then I strap the other baby into his seat and we are on our way to daycare.

Once we arrive at daycare (all of 1.1 miles away from our house and less than 5 minutes in the car) I get one baby out of their seat while our daycare provider gets the other baby out. The way they act you would think they had been strapped in the car for DAYS! But they are happy to go inside and get their breakfast. This is the other thing that saves me in the morning when I am by myself. The fact that our daycare provides breakfast saves me a lot of time and frustration. It is totally worth it to have them eat there instead of at home.

And now a couple random pics.....

James "relaxing" in the lazy boy

And playing so nicely together

I also have at least 2 other posts started that will be up before the end of the week :)

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