Thursday, October 29, 2009

We Think We're SOOOO Cute

The boys are finally figuring out that the camera takes their picture. Jack especially will smile at you if tell him to "say cheese" or if he sees the camera. James is more photogenic in my opinion, but Jack loves the camera. So instead of actually writing something, I am including a bunch of cute pics from the last couple weeks.

The orange sweatshirts are from one morning last week before we left for daycare, so they were all taken at about 6:45am and the boys were SUPER happy for some reason.

The pajama pics are from last Saturday morning while they were playing so nice with each other. In the last one they are trying to give each other kisses.

These last ones are from after church on Sunday. They were playing around the house while they had a snack of goldfish and teddy grahams.

And I promise you Halloween pics after the weekend :)

1 comment:

Jo said...
